martes, 17 de noviembre de 2009

Self Evaluation of my academic year

This is my first year in the university studying psychology. Since I was a child I liked to think and meditate why people do some things, and other people do completely different things. When I listened that there were a career named psychology in charge to this questions, I get fascinated and I wanted immediately to be a part of this discipline. Before being in University, in school, I always thought how would be being in this place, what matters I would had to face and what I would like. Now that I`m in this situation, I look back and I can evaluate my academic year, counting all things I once thought of that.

The first thing I think when I look my academic year, is that I don’t like all the subjects I had to study, actually I had liked only a few, because not all of them are related whit my career, like Statistics, History or Philosophy. During the first semester I was so disappointed of all this subjects, but when I analyzed why I had to study them, I revaluated the situation and calm down. The second semester I had to study things that I liked more, like Psychoanalysis, or Basic Psychological Processes, and I enjoyed it. Because of this, I liked this semester so much more.

In this year, I could realize that there are many things that I like and I didn’t know, like biological sides of psychology. I just finished a subjecnamed “Learning”, based in behaviourist psychology, which according to the opinions of students from previous years, is the most difficult in the year. I didn’t like the professor, but I liked so much the theory, I found it very interesting, and I think I would like to continue studying it in next years.

For the moment I like this career, and I hope to keep on learning many things of all this subjects. I’m honest with myself, and if in one moment I don’t like how all is going on in my studies, or if I realized I’m not happy in here, there’s no doubt I’m going to leave this career. For now I’m good, I’m learning things that I like, and although sometimes I have to study more that what I can (because it need more time for all I have to do), I like my actual situation, and with this I mean not only the academic issues, I like the social relations that I have created here, I thing that ones makes you grow up at the same time that the study do.

challenges in my career

This semester is the second if my career, so in all this time I have passed for many instances that I had no idea of what it was going to be , now I know how to handle most of the situations that maybe make angry or confused, but there are some of ones that I still, have no deal. One of them is one computer program, named SPSS. This program is made to organize statistic information, for example, of psychological test. This semester me and my group cludn’t do all things that the professor has requested, because It was too difficult for us to manage this software. I don’t think I’m not gonna be able to use this software never in my life, I think this semester there was only a little time to practice, and there’s no doubt that another semesters I’m going to familiarize with the program, and i’m going to use it very well.
In other subject, one important challenge here in psychology there are many requests that all the students have to be able to do, the thing I think is the most important the social situation. With this I mean that you have to know how is the social development of your patient to help him (or her) in any way. I know the social situation here in santiago, but I think I will have to keep me informated about the social situation in other parts of muy country or even of the world, according to what place I’m gonna stay in my professional development.
Another challenge of my carrer is to decide what speciality to take. There is so many options, like social psychology, educational, clinical and more. In this moment I dont know what speciallity I’m going to take, but for now I preffer the social side, i think this is the most relevant psichology. I think i’m gonna resolve this challenge in the next few years, because in this time I will be informed about advantages and disadvantages of every specialities.

martes, 27 de octubre de 2009

What about being whealthy?

Who didn’t have dreamed with being wealthy? Who doesn’t’ had thought all things that can be do whit much money that we have? Well, I think being wealthy is not full of advantages, to my mind it has pros and coins. I’m going to present you my point of view about this theme.
It is often believes that being rich is a very pleasurable situation, because you can have all things that you want to, and that’s true, money solves many problems and needs! If I were rich, I would travel around the world most part of the year with my boyfriend, and I would dedicate the other part to my job, just like a hobby. Also, I would buy a house in many parts of the world to my parents, for them vacations. That would be great! I think most of life would be just for delight.
However, I don’t think all things would be good, and sometimes money changes personalities, especially when people get selfish and don’t want to share their money whit their relatives or don’t want to tell other people about their situation. For this reason I think money makes distance between people, and in that way I don’t think it’s good for relationships.
In conclusion, I think pros and cons depends of each people, obviously more greedy people have more possibilities to become in a selfish person, and more balanced people would know how to enjoy of their money without separating of their relatives. I think, in that way, all people are different.

lunes, 26 de octubre de 2009

the most embarrasing moment!

Thinking of the most embarrassing moment of my life, I couldn’t find one emblematic moment, but I remember one that was very very embarrassing. One day, my friends and I were spending time on the swimming pool of a friend called Belén. This swimming pool was part of the department of Belén, so there was full of people everywhere. In one moment, with three friends, we decided to make a “pump” in the water; the “pump” is one way to jump in the swimming pool that splashes water everywhere. Well, we jump, and when I went out to the water, I heard my friends screaming my name very loud, when I look at them, I realized that the top of my bikini got loosed in the water!!! Oh my gosh! I was so blush and the only think I could do was look for my bikini and put it on me again. All my friends that were present in that moment was girls, least one, my friend Hector. He told me that he hadn’t seen me and I believed him, (all this passed in al little bit time), but some days later, in a party, he told me that he do had seen me but he didn’t tell me because I would blush so much if I were knew. He was so kind, I love him very much and in that moment I thanked him. What a shame! I never used that bikini again, I hope don’t be in that situation again!!!.

martes, 13 de octubre de 2009

Some problems here in FACSO

I’m currently studying in the faculty of Social Sciences, better knew as FACSO. In this place, things are going well, but I think there are three things that need an urgent improvement. First of all, I think the library need an urgent change, currently it’s a very noisy place, it should be the opposite, I mean quiet and calm. There is another library in the campus, of philosophy; this is a good place to study! There is always so much silence and all the people I know go there when need really concentration. The university gave us a solution: they installed a study room in the casino. Like you can imagine, this is not a real solution, there is always smell of food and the timetable is very shortly. ¿who can possible study in the casino?
In second place, I think there should be more bathrooms in the faculty, there are two in each floor, and this is not enough! They are always crowed, and dirty the most of time. In other faculties students have around four bathrooms in each floor. Now in the university there are not improvements for this problem, but I think that before searching for a solution, there have to be a conversation with psychology students center CECSO. I think if more students get interested in this problem, there would be more hygiene and sanitation in our faculty, which are benefits for all of we.
Like a last consideration, I think there should me more microwaves in the casino, because there are two, and in lunch time there become all crowed and we have to wait around 15 minutes to get our food warm! Actually I don’t know who we have to talk for improve this situation, that is very uncomfortable.

This column will change your life: How long does it really take to change a habit?

To develop a specific habit takes around 25 days. We owe this information to Maxwell Maltz, an important plastic surgeon. He had observed that amputees took around 20 days to adjust to the loss of a limb. Therefore, he reasoned it must take 21-28 days to change a habit. This knowledge is called “the 28 rule”.
The 28 rule was ruled out for an experiment of an important university. On average, her subjects, who were trying to learn new habits such as eating fruit daily, took 66 days before reporting that the behaviour had changed. Individuals ranged widely: some took 18 days, others 245 and some habits were harder than others to make a change.
The first problem with this 28 rule is very simple: changing habits is hard. The psychologist Ian Newby-Clark asks:"what would be the point of having a habit that didn't free up your mind to crunch on more pressing matters?" Habits are meant to be difficult to change.
The mainly problem in the moment we change a habit is that we tend to think about habit change wrongly. We want to stop watching so much TV, but demonstrably, we also want to watch lots of TV, so what we really want, it seems, is to stop wanting. The way round this, says Newby-Clark and others, is to see that habits are responses to needs. What's required isn't a better habit, but an alternative way to feel comforted and relaxed. The chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken, Dr Johnson says that maybe by looking at the problem differently we can still change an habit in a very bit time.

martes, 6 de octubre de 2009

The Curious History of Benjamin Button

My favourite movie is “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”. It’s about a man named Benjamin, who born in the end of the First World War, with a several aging disease at birth. The doctor gives him only a little chance of survival, but he does survive, and gets younger with time. Benjamin was raised by Queenie, a black woman and caregiver at a seniors home. In this house Benjamin meets Daisy, and fell in love with her, but in that moment there was a very big difference between them: Daisy was only a child, and Benjamin was a child too, but in an old body. Anyway, they became very good friends.
Although separated through the years; Daisy and Benjamin remain in contact trough their lives, reconnecting in their forties, when in age they finally match up. In this time they became lovers and had a child, but time goes on, and he is younger every day...
Finally, Benjamin becomes in a baby and die, looked after in every moment for Daisy, now an older woman driven only by the love that she feel for him.
This movie is a drama, and I like it so much, the Character of Benjamin is interpreted by Brad Pit, such a cut man!, and Daisy is interpreted by Elle Fanning. Her character is a ballet dancer, and there is a lot of dance in the movie, I love that! This film is very long, some people don’t like it but I think that it give a touch of suspense to the movie.

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2009

My favourite places

I Have lived here in Santiago all my life, so I have some personal places that I like to visit very often, or when I have enough time. I think that if I was a foreigner tourist, I would like someone give me some advices of what to do or when to go, to enjoy as much I as could this city. In first place, I like to visit the Cultural Center Palacio la Moneda. It is located in the center of the city, under the building government house: La Moneda. This center is very cheap, and always has a lot of interesting artworks. This is one of my favorite places, and all the family can visit it. In a different area of the city, is located the Sculpture Park, this is a very cozy place, is full of very much sculptures, and you can read there, invite your friends or have a good conversation. Other place I like very much is the San Cristobal hill, It’s located in the east area if the city. It have a road from the base to the top that you can walk, and when you arrive to the top you can see all city, and is a very beautiful landscape especially when it has just stop raining. Returning to downtown, there is the Bellas Artes Museum, is a very old structure and is full of Chilean artworks. Every time some foreigner artist come to Chile, it make important and pretty exhibitions. I like this museum because it can show me more of my own culture. The last place that I’m going to describe is the one I visit to chill out whit my friends, the Victor Jara storehouse. There are always concerts in there; I like to go there to listen to my favorite musicians and to have a nice time whit my friends. This are the places that I like more, I hope to continue adding more places to mi list!

martes, 25 de agosto de 2009

transantiago experience!

Since all this Transantiago system was going to beginning, all people had a bad feeling about all situation that was coming, everyone said that it was going to be a chaos, people thought buses were going to be driven so much slower and all the workers in the city were frustrated one month in advance. Personally, I thought in that moment: “because of all the bad energy that all people is putting on it, this is going to be a disaster” and that was what happen. When Transantiago began, all people was so angry about waiting so much on the bus stops, and about the crowded of the buses, I remember that day I was on my summer holydays, and it was the main theme in the news. I think it wasn’t to bad, in the beginning it was obviously a chaos, because people wasn’t have any information and nobody knew what to do or where to go, but that situation was improved little by little…whit necessary tolerance of people, of course. I think there’s no a big difference whit the old system, actually is much cheaper travel in Transantiago because there’s no charge by transferring bus to bus. If I clud improve more this system, first of all I would change the large busses for other ones smaller, because there are have been so much problems whit this size in streets, that the most of times make loose time, and in second place, I would allow admission in the bus paying throught money too, it would be so much useful to us.

martes, 18 de agosto de 2009

Peca's the dog.

When I was a child, my brother beginning a relationship with a very cute girl named Paula, she had a nice dog that brought very often to my house, I was a child, so a get used to play whit the dog and vey soon I wanted one for me. My mom explain me that I was very little to be in charge of an animal, to look after it or take care of it, but I insisted, and one Christmas night I received a little dog, and I put it the name Peca. That was like eleven years ago, and it has became an important part of my family, almost like a new member, it was my friend when I was a child and now I love it, is so kindly! . Because is very small, it never had been mother, and last year it get very sick because of many tumors in the stomach that compressed part of it liver, so we had to brought it to the veterinary for make an operation that taked out all these tumors. Me and my family was very sad because we thought it was going to die, like many dogs that have the same complications, but luckily there was no troubles and suddenly it get better, and now is the same doggy that used to be.

jueves, 13 de agosto de 2009

my first semester

this first semester I have lived more things than I ever could thought, and I'm not talking about my career, is much more deeper than that, I think I have realized many things, one of them is that this university is my place, where I want to prepare my career and learn all things I have liked since ever. Well... the first part of the year I went to the pilates class, which is not a sport really, is like a sequence of rutines and exercises that makes your body looks more stretch and stronger, at least that I have heard, but whit me it didn't worked very well!

I think the most diffucult challenge was to become accustomed to this new rutine, whit all this things to do (and to read!) that, I cant not deny, maked me crazy the first months, but I get used little by little.

I lived greats experiences whit the people I met here, I have had lot of fun and I'm very happy whit that, my teachers are good to, although there are some that I can't understand and that makes me a little frustrated, I hope I finish this semester with good reviews off everything, and of course with good califications.

martes, 4 de agosto de 2009

my favourite contry

My favourite country is France. Since I was a child, I always have been a big fan of this country and my childhood dream is make a big trip to Paris, capital of France, and to know the historical places that I have learn in school. It’s not too much the knowledge I have of there, I have studied some historical facts like the French revolution and the features of this reigns, and actually I would like to visit many typical places to know more of their culture and history if I make a trip someday. The most intriguing place to me is the Versailles Palace, I would visit it in first place, and then I would go to the Eiffel Tower, I’d like to make a walk in afternoon for different neighbourhoods, to know a little more about their streets designs and stiles. Although I like very much this country, I wouldn’t like to study there, because that place is very far of my home and my family, and also is very expensive, I prefer, in that case, to study here in Chile and graduate, then make a master and if I want to continue studying, go to another country (it can be France or any other) to make a PHD. Something that I know that I going to do when I finish my career, is to travel for work in France or some country of Europe, well, if fate allows it.

lunes, 29 de junio de 2009

My ideal Job

My ideal job is psychologist. That’s why I’m in university right now, and I can’t think in other job for doing of the rest of my life. Since y was a little girl y wanted to be a psychologist, actually I wanted much more to be a psychiatrist, but when I grew up I realize that my true love was psychology. Well, I think I have very much qualities to do it right, I don’t want to boast about being good, but I ever had thought that my aptitudes are in a good level. I don’t think to find this job would be difficult, actually I think it will be very simple and if I complete my career, there won’t be nothing that stands in my way, my way to find exit. If I wouldn’t like my University or my life, what I’m doing or whatever, I would be worried and insecure about my future and the ideal job for the rest of my life, but right now, I’m a very happy student and I like psychology, so as long as I like it, I will be very sure that this is my ideal job, and nothing could make me though other thing.
Well, that’s what I think, I hope you like my text! Bye!

jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

my blog experience

This blogging experience has been my first, so initially I didn’t know how to use this technological tool, since I was a child I write about my personal experiences but I didn’t want to make me a blog because I feel uncomfortable when the other people reads about me and my thoughts…anyway, this was a university work so I accepted it and made me one. Through the semester I could see how my vocabulary grew up and made more specific, but no in all its scale, only a bit part, and to be honest, I didn’t enjoyed writing in english every week, most days I feel stressed and angry for couldn’t finish at time, and I never had thought this “writing class” makes any different in my vocabulary, I thing is much more efficient to work whit a book like in “normal” classes, so I think it help me improve my english but I would have preferred other ways to learn.
Of the blog experience, I think it has many advantages; to work under pressure (in a delimitated time) can make students pay all the attention that this class requires, and that can be good for the vocabulary development and to reinforce their skills. In my point of view, doing the blog also can be a bad learning experience, because, like I explained before, it can result a stressing experience, especially when the students are finalizing their semester and need a lot of time to concentrate in all subjects at the same time. This is my personal experience, and I know there are people who don’t think like me, including my classmates. Anyway, in my personal opinion of the entire course, I think it was very complete and although I don’t understand people talking british english, I basked doing the activities in the book and in the classroom.

jueves, 11 de junio de 2009

Creativity in our child

Ken Robinson talk about human being creativity, he says that all human person born with all their habilities inside, all the creativity of the man is with him, but regrettably the education for child cares to renew the habilities acording to a small predefined hierarchy of subjects: first, mathematic and languaje, then humanities and last hte art. This hierarchy is harmful to the creativity of children, wich are forced to retired and not to take care of this habilities and hobbies for becoming in a succesful profesional. This image if all life is promoted by the society at all and not by the particular person, so this "succesful profesional" in who all children have to become in, is a false image of the real capacities and creativity of people, who are forced to live in that way.
In mi personal opinion, I think Ken Robinson is right, but he is very determinant when says that this process in life of man is present in all cultures with no exception, i think occidental cultures are very susceptible to present this porcess, but there are many other ones that aren't based in this forms of intelligence and have a particular form of see life.

jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

my favourite subject

This year is the first in my career, and although I’m studying psychology, right now I have only one subject that really deals with psychology, and its name is Psychology (what a surprise!). The other subjects are focus in different areas of human been social experience, like the philosophic area, the cultural area or the historic area, and I like them all, but which I like more is the psychologist work camp, I love this subject, because since I was a child I wanted to study this and it’s very interesting and new in my live. The professor who teaches it is named Juan Enrique Wilson, a smart behaviorist psychologist that works on scientific researches. He`s an expert on relationships, and specially cares of marriage problems, so when we are in class he usually tell us about different results of original marriage researches and I enjoy listening him. In his class, I have learned more than any other, now I know the main areas which psychology focus on, and I feel able to learn much more and apply all the knowledge in my life, that’s what makes me happy.

jueves, 21 de mayo de 2009

In five years I ...

In five years from now I think that I will be studying like today, I will be doing mi thesis, my final exam to finish my career. Where will I be living? Mm, I’m not thinking in leave the house if my parents very soon, at least I find a job in my field, wich would be very good for me and for my parents, they’d be very economically benefited.

I’ve always wanted to live in Paris, and my ideal future is very diferent to the described one, I would like to go off of this small city, live in Paris whit my family, work like a psychologist and be very happy. I don’t think that I’m never going to do this, but I have to finish my career before and in five years I’m sure that I will be planning this future. Passing to the personal area, I hope to learn much more about me and my world, and grow up as a person, like anyone want, I think.

Well, this is all I have to say about me in five years, I’ll write you soon, bye!

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009

Ivan Pavlov

I don’t have an exactly idea of who is the best in psychology, but I love people who work in research projects and I love studying them, so I admire very much the man who created the law of conditioned reflexes, Ivan Pavlov. This man was born and died in Russia, and his most important discovery was the behaviourism, an objective psychology devoted to the fields of human adaptations. He has been congratulated and criticized at the same time for psychologists and philosophers who are interested in the human feelings or thoughts more than what the people do, their reactions or how they can be studied.

I knew this man before to get in this career, and I think his work is very complete and I admire him very much, so when I started to study in the university I was very interested to learn his theories and his discoveries.

I’m not the authority to say if he is the best in my field, but I know he is good and popular, and all people once in their life have seen a picture of Pavlov whit their dog of their first discovery (the picture left), which I think is the most famous in the behaviourism.

Ok, this is all I know of Ivan Pavlov; I hope you have liked it! Bye!!!

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

psychology in my life

I'm studying psychology because since I was a child I used to ask to myself why people act in different ways, and I used to talk to my parents about the diversity of personalities in my school or in the world, and then when I growed up my friends used to tell me their problems and I discussed whit they about the possible solutions, that usually maked they felt very happy, and I felt happy too. I think that is the way for the profesionals in my area contributes to society, they make people to feel good, and when you feel better, all the people around you feel better too, especially your family and closer fiends. I think in the future, psychologist will need to be more open mind for the creations to projects to help people that doesn't have resources enough for pay a personal psychologist, because in these days people who want to receive a good and complete psycology treatment need a lot of money.
In my career, my favorite subject is the social side of psychology, I think it is very important to use the knowledge for helping people to use their own tools to move in this world, wich sometimes it is very difficult and hard.

jueves, 30 de abril de 2009

My favourite picture

This photo was taken the year 2008 in a vacation whit my family and my boyfriend in the south of the country, in Villarrica, at the lake Todos los Santos. I remember that day as the most happy of that vacation, because my family and I were all together laughing and relaxing all the day.
The picture shows the foots of my mother, her sister Rosy and my cousin Nicolas, whit their respectives sandals . I remember that day very often because my mother is a kind of artist and made a painting of this picture that she put it in the living room of my house, so when I arrive home every day the first I see is that painting. I like this picture very much because for me represents happines and enjoyment. I love it for another reason too: when I was in that vacation my mother tell me and my family she was pregnant, and I knew inmediatly that the baby would be a girl, and it was a girl! This is the story of my picture, I hope you enjoyed it, bye!

jueves, 23 de abril de 2009

My site web

The link I like to use is

I always have to investigate because of my career, and one day, when I was very frustrated for not finding any infomation, a professor gave me an idea, to check the page Psicothema. He told me it was very used for researchers, and when I discovered it, I finally could find the information that I nedded. Since that day, I always check the page when I have to look for some psychological information, and it benefits me in many ways. I visit it very very often, because of my career, and because I like investigations for being interesting.

Like you know now, I like this site web because I like to read very much, and I like investigations more tan others topics, because I thing they are the funniest.

Well, if your are studing psichology, I recommend this web site, you will find a lot of information and I swear, you will love it.

jueves, 9 de abril de 2009

my piece of technology

Hello! I hope you will enjoy my text!
My piece of technology is my soobfofer, my parents gave it to me for christmas , when I was fifteen years old. I love it because I connect it to my mp3 and I can hear the same music that's on my mp3 but amplified in my room, or in any room of my house. I'm used to listen to music in my soobfofer every day when I arrive home, I like it because I can desconect myself of the rutine and relax while I do homework or while I have lunch. I don`t like when the music tourns to be annoying for my brothers, because I have to stop it and don`t listen to music anymore.
I think that without my soobofer my life would be very boring and I would be depressed, as you can see, the music is an important part of my life.

jueves, 26 de marzo de 2009

things about me

My name is Denise, I'm a psychology student at Universidad de Chile. I am in my first year of my career.

My level in english is pre-intermediate, and I hope to pass all the courses and become a good speaker, because I like very much english, I think it's very important to know this languaje, to become a professional, or to go to other countries in the next years.
My name is Denise, I'm a student for university of Chile and this blog was created for an english class, I'm gona keep it and write personal comments, I hope to conserve it for many time.