martes, 13 de octubre de 2009

Some problems here in FACSO

I’m currently studying in the faculty of Social Sciences, better knew as FACSO. In this place, things are going well, but I think there are three things that need an urgent improvement. First of all, I think the library need an urgent change, currently it’s a very noisy place, it should be the opposite, I mean quiet and calm. There is another library in the campus, of philosophy; this is a good place to study! There is always so much silence and all the people I know go there when need really concentration. The university gave us a solution: they installed a study room in the casino. Like you can imagine, this is not a real solution, there is always smell of food and the timetable is very shortly. ¿who can possible study in the casino?
In second place, I think there should be more bathrooms in the faculty, there are two in each floor, and this is not enough! They are always crowed, and dirty the most of time. In other faculties students have around four bathrooms in each floor. Now in the university there are not improvements for this problem, but I think that before searching for a solution, there have to be a conversation with psychology students center CECSO. I think if more students get interested in this problem, there would be more hygiene and sanitation in our faculty, which are benefits for all of we.
Like a last consideration, I think there should me more microwaves in the casino, because there are two, and in lunch time there become all crowed and we have to wait around 15 minutes to get our food warm! Actually I don’t know who we have to talk for improve this situation, that is very uncomfortable.

1 comentario:

  1. I’m currently studying in the faculty of Social Sciences, better knew as FACSO. In this place, things are going well, but I think there are three things that need an urgent improvement. First of all, I think the library SVA need an urgent change, currently it’s a very noisy place, it should be the opposite, I mean quiet and calm. There is another library in the campus, of philosophy; this is a good place to study! There is always so much silence and all the people I know go there when need really concentration. The university gave us a solution: they installed a study room in the casino. Like you can imagine, this is not a real solution, there is always smell of food and the timetable is very shortly. ¿who can possible study in the casino?
    In second place, I think there should be more bathrooms in the faculty, there are two in each floor, and this is not enough! They are always crowed, and dirty the most of time. In other faculties students have around four bathrooms in each floor. Now in the university there are not improvements for this problem, but I think that before searching for a solution, there have to be a conversation with psychology students center CECSO. I think if more students get interested in this problem, there would be more hygiene and sanitation in our faculty, which are benefits for all of we.
    Like a last consideration, I think there should me more microwaves in the casino, because there are two, and in lunch time there become all crowed and we have to wait around 15 minutes to get our food warm! Actually I don’t know who we have to talk for improve this situation, that is very uncomfortable.

    I studied in Philosophy and I used to complain aboutt the library... actually when i finished my studies they changed the library a couple of year later...i was so angry...
    well done!
    p.s. you got a 7
