jueves, 13 de agosto de 2009

my first semester

this first semester I have lived more things than I ever could thought, and I'm not talking about my career, is much more deeper than that, I think I have realized many things, one of them is that this university is my place, where I want to prepare my career and learn all things I have liked since ever. Well... the first part of the year I went to the pilates class, which is not a sport really, is like a sequence of rutines and exercises that makes your body looks more stretch and stronger, at least that I have heard, but whit me it didn't worked very well!

I think the most diffucult challenge was to become accustomed to this new rutine, whit all this things to do (and to read!) that, I cant not deny, maked me crazy the first months, but I get used little by little.

I lived greats experiences whit the people I met here, I have had lot of fun and I'm very happy whit that, my teachers are good to, although there are some that I can't understand and that makes me a little frustrated, I hope I finish this semester with good reviews off everything, and of course with good califications.

1 comentario:

  1. his first semester I have lived more things than I ever could WF thought, and I'm not talking about my career, is much more deeper than that, I think I have realized many things, one of them is that this university is my place, where I want to prepare my career and learn all things I have liked since ever. Well... the first part of the year I went to the pilates class, which is not a sport really, is like a sequence of rutines and exercises that makes your body looks more stretch and stronger, at least that I have heard, but SP whit me it didn't VT worked very well!

    I think the most SP diffucult challenge was to become accustomed to this new rutine, whit all this things to do (and to read!) that, I cant not deny, WW maked me crazy the first months, but I get used little by little.

    I lived greats experiences SP whit the people I met here, I have had lot of fun and I'm very happy SP whit that, my teachers are goodSP to, although there are some that I can't understand and that makes ??me a little frustrated, I hope I finish this semester with good reviews off everything, and of course with good WW califications

    what things you dont understand for example? You need to support your statements. You might also need to introduce and conclude your writing. work on that ok?

    you got a 5
