martes, 17 de noviembre de 2009

challenges in my career

This semester is the second if my career, so in all this time I have passed for many instances that I had no idea of what it was going to be , now I know how to handle most of the situations that maybe make angry or confused, but there are some of ones that I still, have no deal. One of them is one computer program, named SPSS. This program is made to organize statistic information, for example, of psychological test. This semester me and my group cludn’t do all things that the professor has requested, because It was too difficult for us to manage this software. I don’t think I’m not gonna be able to use this software never in my life, I think this semester there was only a little time to practice, and there’s no doubt that another semesters I’m going to familiarize with the program, and i’m going to use it very well.
In other subject, one important challenge here in psychology there are many requests that all the students have to be able to do, the thing I think is the most important the social situation. With this I mean that you have to know how is the social development of your patient to help him (or her) in any way. I know the social situation here in santiago, but I think I will have to keep me informated about the social situation in other parts of muy country or even of the world, according to what place I’m gonna stay in my professional development.
Another challenge of my carrer is to decide what speciality to take. There is so many options, like social psychology, educational, clinical and more. In this moment I dont know what speciallity I’m going to take, but for now I preffer the social side, i think this is the most relevant psichology. I think i’m gonna resolve this challenge in the next few years, because in this time I will be informed about advantages and disadvantages of every specialities.

1 comentario:

  1. This semester is the second if my career, so in all this time I have passed for many instances that I had no idea of what it was going to be , now I know how to handle most of the situations that maybe make ^ angry or confused, but there are some of ones that I still, have no WF deal. One of them is one computer program, named SPSS. This program is made to organize statistic information, for example, of psychological test. This semester me and my group SP cludn’t do all things that the professor has requested, because It was too difficult for us to manage this software. I don’t think I’m not gonna be able to use this software never in my life, I think this semester there was only a little time to practice, and there’s no doubt that another semesters I’m going to familiarize with the program, and i’m going to use it very well.
    In other subject, one important challenge here in psychology there are many requests that all the students have to be able to do, the thing I think is the most important the social situation. With this I mean that you have to know how is the social development of your patient to help him (or her) in any way. I know the social situation here in santiago, but I think I will have to keep me WW informated about the social situation in other parts of muy country or even of the world, according to what place I’m gonna stay in my professional development.
    Another challenge of my carrer is to decide what speciality to take. There is so many options, like social psychology, educational, clinical and more. In this moment I dont know what speciallity I’m going to take, but for now I preffer the social side, i think this is the most relevant psichology. I think i’m gonna resolve this challenge in the next few years, because in this time I will be informed about advantages and disadvantages of every specialities

    well done!! that program sounds difficult to learn! It's good you have time to decide what your special area would be...

    p.s. you got a 6
