martes, 18 de agosto de 2009

Peca's the dog.

When I was a child, my brother beginning a relationship with a very cute girl named Paula, she had a nice dog that brought very often to my house, I was a child, so a get used to play whit the dog and vey soon I wanted one for me. My mom explain me that I was very little to be in charge of an animal, to look after it or take care of it, but I insisted, and one Christmas night I received a little dog, and I put it the name Peca. That was like eleven years ago, and it has became an important part of my family, almost like a new member, it was my friend when I was a child and now I love it, is so kindly! . Because is very small, it never had been mother, and last year it get very sick because of many tumors in the stomach that compressed part of it liver, so we had to brought it to the veterinary for make an operation that taked out all these tumors. Me and my family was very sad because we thought it was going to die, like many dogs that have the same complications, but luckily there was no troubles and suddenly it get better, and now is the same doggy that used to be.

1 comentario:

  1. When I was a child, my brother VT beginning a relationship with a very cute girl named Paula, she had a nice dog that brought very often to my house, I was a child, so a VT get used to play SP whit the dog and vey soon I wanted one for me. My mom VT explain me that I was very little to be in charge of an animal, to look after it or take care of it, but I insisted, and one Christmas night I received a little dog, and I put it the name Peca. That was like eleven years ago, and it has became an important part of my family, almost like a new member, it was my friend when I was a child and now I love it, is so WF kindly! . Because ^ is very small, it never had been mother, and last year it VT get very sick because of many tumors in the stomach that compressed part of it liver, so we had to brought it to the veterinary for make an operation that taked out all these tumors. Me and my family SVA was very sad because we thought it was going to die, like many dogs that have the same complications, but luckily there was no troubles and suddenly it get better, and now is the same doggy that used to be.

    good! why you named it peca? I love dogs too! check out the spelling of some words and aslo you mention an event in the past remember to maitain the tense.

    p.s. you got a 5.4
