martes, 25 de agosto de 2009

transantiago experience!

Since all this Transantiago system was going to beginning, all people had a bad feeling about all situation that was coming, everyone said that it was going to be a chaos, people thought buses were going to be driven so much slower and all the workers in the city were frustrated one month in advance. Personally, I thought in that moment: “because of all the bad energy that all people is putting on it, this is going to be a disaster” and that was what happen. When Transantiago began, all people was so angry about waiting so much on the bus stops, and about the crowded of the buses, I remember that day I was on my summer holydays, and it was the main theme in the news. I think it wasn’t to bad, in the beginning it was obviously a chaos, because people wasn’t have any information and nobody knew what to do or where to go, but that situation was improved little by little…whit necessary tolerance of people, of course. I think there’s no a big difference whit the old system, actually is much cheaper travel in Transantiago because there’s no charge by transferring bus to bus. If I clud improve more this system, first of all I would change the large busses for other ones smaller, because there are have been so much problems whit this size in streets, that the most of times make loose time, and in second place, I would allow admission in the bus paying throught money too, it would be so much useful to us.

martes, 18 de agosto de 2009

Peca's the dog.

When I was a child, my brother beginning a relationship with a very cute girl named Paula, she had a nice dog that brought very often to my house, I was a child, so a get used to play whit the dog and vey soon I wanted one for me. My mom explain me that I was very little to be in charge of an animal, to look after it or take care of it, but I insisted, and one Christmas night I received a little dog, and I put it the name Peca. That was like eleven years ago, and it has became an important part of my family, almost like a new member, it was my friend when I was a child and now I love it, is so kindly! . Because is very small, it never had been mother, and last year it get very sick because of many tumors in the stomach that compressed part of it liver, so we had to brought it to the veterinary for make an operation that taked out all these tumors. Me and my family was very sad because we thought it was going to die, like many dogs that have the same complications, but luckily there was no troubles and suddenly it get better, and now is the same doggy that used to be.

jueves, 13 de agosto de 2009

my first semester

this first semester I have lived more things than I ever could thought, and I'm not talking about my career, is much more deeper than that, I think I have realized many things, one of them is that this university is my place, where I want to prepare my career and learn all things I have liked since ever. Well... the first part of the year I went to the pilates class, which is not a sport really, is like a sequence of rutines and exercises that makes your body looks more stretch and stronger, at least that I have heard, but whit me it didn't worked very well!

I think the most diffucult challenge was to become accustomed to this new rutine, whit all this things to do (and to read!) that, I cant not deny, maked me crazy the first months, but I get used little by little.

I lived greats experiences whit the people I met here, I have had lot of fun and I'm very happy whit that, my teachers are good to, although there are some that I can't understand and that makes me a little frustrated, I hope I finish this semester with good reviews off everything, and of course with good califications.

martes, 4 de agosto de 2009

my favourite contry

My favourite country is France. Since I was a child, I always have been a big fan of this country and my childhood dream is make a big trip to Paris, capital of France, and to know the historical places that I have learn in school. It’s not too much the knowledge I have of there, I have studied some historical facts like the French revolution and the features of this reigns, and actually I would like to visit many typical places to know more of their culture and history if I make a trip someday. The most intriguing place to me is the Versailles Palace, I would visit it in first place, and then I would go to the Eiffel Tower, I’d like to make a walk in afternoon for different neighbourhoods, to know a little more about their streets designs and stiles. Although I like very much this country, I wouldn’t like to study there, because that place is very far of my home and my family, and also is very expensive, I prefer, in that case, to study here in Chile and graduate, then make a master and if I want to continue studying, go to another country (it can be France or any other) to make a PHD. Something that I know that I going to do when I finish my career, is to travel for work in France or some country of Europe, well, if fate allows it.