jueves, 30 de abril de 2009

My favourite picture

This photo was taken the year 2008 in a vacation whit my family and my boyfriend in the south of the country, in Villarrica, at the lake Todos los Santos. I remember that day as the most happy of that vacation, because my family and I were all together laughing and relaxing all the day.
The picture shows the foots of my mother, her sister Rosy and my cousin Nicolas, whit their respectives sandals . I remember that day very often because my mother is a kind of artist and made a painting of this picture that she put it in the living room of my house, so when I arrive home every day the first I see is that painting. I like this picture very much because for me represents happines and enjoyment. I love it for another reason too: when I was in that vacation my mother tell me and my family she was pregnant, and I knew inmediatly that the baby would be a girl, and it was a girl! This is the story of my picture, I hope you enjoyed it, bye!

jueves, 23 de abril de 2009

My site web

The link I like to use is www.psicothema.com

I always have to investigate because of my career, and one day, when I was very frustrated for not finding any infomation, a professor gave me an idea, to check the page Psicothema. He told me it was very used for researchers, and when I discovered it, I finally could find the information that I nedded. Since that day, I always check the page when I have to look for some psychological information, and it benefits me in many ways. I visit it very very often, because of my career, and because I like investigations for being interesting.

Like you know now, I like this site web because I like to read very much, and I like investigations more tan others topics, because I thing they are the funniest.

Well, if your are studing psichology, I recommend this web site, you will find a lot of information and I swear, you will love it.

jueves, 9 de abril de 2009

my piece of technology

Hello! I hope you will enjoy my text!
My piece of technology is my soobfofer, my parents gave it to me for christmas , when I was fifteen years old. I love it because I connect it to my mp3 and I can hear the same music that's on my mp3 but amplified in my room, or in any room of my house. I'm used to listen to music in my soobfofer every day when I arrive home, I like it because I can desconect myself of the rutine and relax while I do homework or while I have lunch. I don`t like when the music tourns to be annoying for my brothers, because I have to stop it and don`t listen to music anymore.
I think that without my soobofer my life would be very boring and I would be depressed, as you can see, the music is an important part of my life.