martes, 27 de octubre de 2009

What about being whealthy?

Who didn’t have dreamed with being wealthy? Who doesn’t’ had thought all things that can be do whit much money that we have? Well, I think being wealthy is not full of advantages, to my mind it has pros and coins. I’m going to present you my point of view about this theme.
It is often believes that being rich is a very pleasurable situation, because you can have all things that you want to, and that’s true, money solves many problems and needs! If I were rich, I would travel around the world most part of the year with my boyfriend, and I would dedicate the other part to my job, just like a hobby. Also, I would buy a house in many parts of the world to my parents, for them vacations. That would be great! I think most of life would be just for delight.
However, I don’t think all things would be good, and sometimes money changes personalities, especially when people get selfish and don’t want to share their money whit their relatives or don’t want to tell other people about their situation. For this reason I think money makes distance between people, and in that way I don’t think it’s good for relationships.
In conclusion, I think pros and cons depends of each people, obviously more greedy people have more possibilities to become in a selfish person, and more balanced people would know how to enjoy of their money without separating of their relatives. I think, in that way, all people are different.

lunes, 26 de octubre de 2009

the most embarrasing moment!

Thinking of the most embarrassing moment of my life, I couldn’t find one emblematic moment, but I remember one that was very very embarrassing. One day, my friends and I were spending time on the swimming pool of a friend called Belén. This swimming pool was part of the department of Belén, so there was full of people everywhere. In one moment, with three friends, we decided to make a “pump” in the water; the “pump” is one way to jump in the swimming pool that splashes water everywhere. Well, we jump, and when I went out to the water, I heard my friends screaming my name very loud, when I look at them, I realized that the top of my bikini got loosed in the water!!! Oh my gosh! I was so blush and the only think I could do was look for my bikini and put it on me again. All my friends that were present in that moment was girls, least one, my friend Hector. He told me that he hadn’t seen me and I believed him, (all this passed in al little bit time), but some days later, in a party, he told me that he do had seen me but he didn’t tell me because I would blush so much if I were knew. He was so kind, I love him very much and in that moment I thanked him. What a shame! I never used that bikini again, I hope don’t be in that situation again!!!.

martes, 13 de octubre de 2009

Some problems here in FACSO

I’m currently studying in the faculty of Social Sciences, better knew as FACSO. In this place, things are going well, but I think there are three things that need an urgent improvement. First of all, I think the library need an urgent change, currently it’s a very noisy place, it should be the opposite, I mean quiet and calm. There is another library in the campus, of philosophy; this is a good place to study! There is always so much silence and all the people I know go there when need really concentration. The university gave us a solution: they installed a study room in the casino. Like you can imagine, this is not a real solution, there is always smell of food and the timetable is very shortly. ¿who can possible study in the casino?
In second place, I think there should be more bathrooms in the faculty, there are two in each floor, and this is not enough! They are always crowed, and dirty the most of time. In other faculties students have around four bathrooms in each floor. Now in the university there are not improvements for this problem, but I think that before searching for a solution, there have to be a conversation with psychology students center CECSO. I think if more students get interested in this problem, there would be more hygiene and sanitation in our faculty, which are benefits for all of we.
Like a last consideration, I think there should me more microwaves in the casino, because there are two, and in lunch time there become all crowed and we have to wait around 15 minutes to get our food warm! Actually I don’t know who we have to talk for improve this situation, that is very uncomfortable.

This column will change your life: How long does it really take to change a habit?

To develop a specific habit takes around 25 days. We owe this information to Maxwell Maltz, an important plastic surgeon. He had observed that amputees took around 20 days to adjust to the loss of a limb. Therefore, he reasoned it must take 21-28 days to change a habit. This knowledge is called “the 28 rule”.
The 28 rule was ruled out for an experiment of an important university. On average, her subjects, who were trying to learn new habits such as eating fruit daily, took 66 days before reporting that the behaviour had changed. Individuals ranged widely: some took 18 days, others 245 and some habits were harder than others to make a change.
The first problem with this 28 rule is very simple: changing habits is hard. The psychologist Ian Newby-Clark asks:"what would be the point of having a habit that didn't free up your mind to crunch on more pressing matters?" Habits are meant to be difficult to change.
The mainly problem in the moment we change a habit is that we tend to think about habit change wrongly. We want to stop watching so much TV, but demonstrably, we also want to watch lots of TV, so what we really want, it seems, is to stop wanting. The way round this, says Newby-Clark and others, is to see that habits are responses to needs. What's required isn't a better habit, but an alternative way to feel comforted and relaxed. The chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken, Dr Johnson says that maybe by looking at the problem differently we can still change an habit in a very bit time.

martes, 6 de octubre de 2009

The Curious History of Benjamin Button

My favourite movie is “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”. It’s about a man named Benjamin, who born in the end of the First World War, with a several aging disease at birth. The doctor gives him only a little chance of survival, but he does survive, and gets younger with time. Benjamin was raised by Queenie, a black woman and caregiver at a seniors home. In this house Benjamin meets Daisy, and fell in love with her, but in that moment there was a very big difference between them: Daisy was only a child, and Benjamin was a child too, but in an old body. Anyway, they became very good friends.
Although separated through the years; Daisy and Benjamin remain in contact trough their lives, reconnecting in their forties, when in age they finally match up. In this time they became lovers and had a child, but time goes on, and he is younger every day...
Finally, Benjamin becomes in a baby and die, looked after in every moment for Daisy, now an older woman driven only by the love that she feel for him.
This movie is a drama, and I like it so much, the Character of Benjamin is interpreted by Brad Pit, such a cut man!, and Daisy is interpreted by Elle Fanning. Her character is a ballet dancer, and there is a lot of dance in the movie, I love that! This film is very long, some people don’t like it but I think that it give a touch of suspense to the movie.